One serious question plaguing Destiny 2 players at the moment is “Can you unlock stasis subclasses during Destiny 2’s free weekend?” Regrettably, misinformation about this is causing a lot of issues in the Destiny 2 community. Without further ado, here’s our guide!

Can You Unlock Stasis Subclasses?

Kurtsey over on Reddit had the following to say:

No. The only thing you will keep is any gear you get during the free trial, subclasses get locked.


This may be fairly disappointing to players who were looking forwarded to unlocking the stasis subclasses during Destiny 2’s free weekend, but at least now you won’t go to all the trouble of unlocking them only to find them locked again once the free weekend is over!

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So Can You Unlock Stasis Subclasses?

What you’ll want to remember is that stasis subclasses cannot be permanently unlocked while playing during the free weekend. That’s all you really need to know about unlocking stasis subclasses in Destiny 2! What have your experiences with unlocking stasis subclasses been like? Be sure to let us know in the comments!